Hawaiian Honeycreepers
Creating phylogenies, or evolutionary family trees, for Hawaiian honeycreepers involves both morphological and DNA analysis to accurately trace their relationships and evolution. Robert C. L. Perkins initially used physical characteristics to classify these birds, while a later study by Dr. Heather Lerner’s team utilized DNA to reveal that Hawaiian honeycreepers are most closely related to Asian rosefinches, not American birds. This research, alongside the unique case of the Lānaʻi hookbill, highlights the complex and surprising evolutionary history of Hawaiian birds, shedding light on their origins and adaptations.

Images: Predator-proof fences on Hawaii’s isolated islands are vital for conserving native wildlife. These barriers, as seen in the steep terrain of Kauaʻi and other islands, prevent invasive species such as rats, cats, and mongoose from entering and disrupting the delicate ecosystems. By creating safe havens for native plants and animals, these fences play a crucial role in maintaining the unique biodiversity of Hawaii, which has evolved in isolation over millions of years. Conservation efforts like these are essential for preserving Hawaii’s natural heritage.
Hawaiian Honeycreepers
Key Takeaways
Evolutionary History.
Surprising Ancestry.
Studies revealed that Hawaiian honeycreepers are most closely related to Asian rosefinches, challenging previous beliefs about their origins.
Perkins' Contributions
Lānaʻi Hookbill Mystery.
The unique case of the Lānaʻi hookbill, discovered to be a hybrid through DNA analysis, underscores the complex and surprising evolutionary history of Hawaiian birds.
A Honeycreeper Family Tree
A hypothetical reconstruction of evolutionary history is called a phylogeny. Creating accurate phylogenies, which are essentially family trees that show how different species are related through evolution, can be done with different types of data. Some phylogenies are based on morphology, which refers to the study of the physical characteristics and structures of organisms, like their shape, size, and specific body parts. Other phylogenies rely on analysis of DNA sequences, which contain the molecular instructions for building and maintaining living things.
Each type of data provides a different piece of the overall evolutionary puzzle. By taking each into account, scientists get a more complete and more accurate picture of how life on Earth has evolved. It’s like using both photos and genetic tests to trace your family tree—each provides valuable insights that, together, give a fuller story.
The first phylogeny of the honeycreepers (Fig. 1) was published in 1903 by Robert C. L. Perkins, a naturalist who, together with Darwin and Wallace, laid the groundwork for understanding how biological diversity evolves on islands. He used morphological data, since the presence and role of DNA had yet to be discovered. According to Perkins, all the honeycreepers are united by tubular tongues (for sipping nectar) and a peculiar odor. He separates them into two main lineages by plumage and vocalizations, dividing the “red” or “black” group (Melanodrepanine) from counterparts in the “green” group (Chlorodrepanine).
Unlike some other ornithologists of his day who reasoned that the spectacular diversity of honeycreepers could only be explained by the establishment of multiple immigrant species, Perkins believed that the wide array of forms arose from a single ancestral species. He was less certain, however, of the origin and identity of that ancestral population.
In 2011, more than a hundred years later, a team of scientists led by Dr. Robert Fleischer set about trying to identify that ancestral species. They published another honeycreeper phylogeny based on analysis of DNA, both mitochondrial and nuclear (Fig. 2). Using similarities and differences in the DNA sequences, they assessed the relationships among 19 species of Hawaiian honeycreepers, 18 extant and one extinct. To uncover what kind of bird gave rise to the honeycreepers, they needed to compare the honeycreeper sequences to DNA taken from other birds around the world. But there are over 10,000 species of birds worldwide. Time and cost prohibited comparing the honeycreepers to all of them, so the team relied on the expertise of Dr. Helen James, a paleontologist and curator of birds at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History. She used her extensive knowledge of avian morphology to identify living species whose physical characteristics and structure were closest to the Hawaiian honeycreepers.
The results of their analyses were quite surprising. Rather than being closely related to birds in North and South America, as widely theorized, the Hawaiian honeycreepers’ closest living relatives were rosefinches (Carpodacus sp.) from Asia.
Also surprising was the estimated timing of their arrival. Using the geologic history of the Islands as a source of known values, Fleischer’s postdoc, Dr. Heather Lerner, calibrated their phylogeny and estimated that the ancestral rosefinches arrived in the Hawaiian Islands sometime between 7.2 and 5.8 million years ago (mya). This would have been a surprisingly recent arrival to Perkins, who theorized that the extreme diversity exhibited by the honeycreepers would have required a very, very long time to develop. He believed the honeycreepers’ ancestor must have arrived before that of another, much less diverse group of native Hawaiian forest birds, the Mohoidae family, which included four species of ʻōʻō and two species of kioea. However, we know from a study published in 2008, that the ancestor of the Mohoidae (waxwings, silky flycatchers, and palmchats) arrived between 14 and 17 mya, long before the rosefinches that were underwent such drastic changes.
At the end of their publication, Fleischer’s team suggested that a natural follow-up to their research would be to incorporate DNA sequences from more of the extinct honeycreeper species, thereby providing a more robust dataset. Now that molecular techniques have been refined, it is practicable to extract and amplify DNA from very old museum study skins and even ancient bones! Work is underway at Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute (NZCBI) to publish an updated phylogeny, with many of the samples provided by Bishop Museum’s Vertebrate Zoology collection.
In this video, Dr. Robert Fleischer, director of NZCBI, discusses his work and the importance of natural history collections, like those at Bishop Museum, as a means of revealing the evolutionary history of the honeycreepers.

Adaptively Radiated Hawaiian Honeycreepers

November 15, 1866–September 29, 1955

DNA Analysis

A Puzzling Specimen

Lānaʻi hookbill
Painting by Julian Hume

Adaptively Radiated Hawaiian Honeycreepers

November 15, 1866–September 29, 1955

DNA Analysis

A Puzzling Specimen

Lānaʻi hookbill
Painting by Julian Hume
Robert Fleischer is a senior scientist at the Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute in Washington, DC, and a long-time research associate at the B. P. Bishop Museum. He has been studying the evolutionary and conservation genetics of Hawaiian birds for nearly 40 years, more recently concentrating on genomics of the native birds and of the malaria parasite that threatens their existence. In this video, he discusses the importance of museum specimens to our understanding of the Hawaiian honeycreepers, many of which have gone extinct.
Is “Honeycreeper” a Misnomer?
Honeycreeper is a confusing moniker for this group of birds. After all, many Hawaiian honeycreepers don’t feed on honey (flower nectar) and many of them don’t creep. And in 2011 we learned from a study involving DNA analysis that all of the Hawaiian “honeycreepers” are related to finches, not Neotropical honeycreepers.
So, why are they called “honeycreepers”? Well, like a lot of traditional English bird names, it was bestowed long ago and the name has stuck, even though the literal meaning no longer applies as it was originally intended.
Because the species known today collectively as “Hawaiian honeycreepers” exhibit such incredible variation, it was difficult for early European ornithologists to accept that they all belonged to a single interrelated group. They believed that the thin-billed, nectar-feeders were related to Neotropical honeycreepers, hence the term “Hawaiian honeycreeper.”. The seed-eating species with thicker bills were thought to be related to an entirely different group of birds: the finches.
As scientists came to the consensus that the nectar-feeders and the seedeaters were all related, it made sense to call the entire group Hawaiian honeycreepers because it was generally accepted that the seedeaters had evolved from the thin-billed nectar-feeders. In other words, they thought the seedeaters, like the palila (Loxioides bailleui) were just honeycreepers that had evolved larger, thicker bills specialized for cracking seeds.
More detailed studies of skeletal features and the advent of DNA analysis revealed it was the other way around. All the honeycreepers were descended from finches, which typically have short, stout beaks adapted for seed-eating.
Knowing all that, why don’t we call them the “Hawaiian finches”? That’s a good question, especially since we now know that a disproportionate number of honeycreeper species from the fossil record have finch-like bills. But the name “finch” would be confusing when applied to a thin-billed nectar-feeder, like the ʻiʻiwi (Vestiaria coccinea). And the fact that there are many introduced finches, like the Brazilian cardinals (Paroaria coronata), would likely add to the confusion.
So, we are left with a less-than-perfect name, but one that represents the circuitous path that science took in trying to understand this incredible group. If the Hawaiian honeycreepers hadn’t evolved in such unique and confounding ways, we would have had a much easier time settling on a name for them. But where’s the fun in that?

ʻIʻiwi (Vestiaria coccinea). Photo: Dubhan Clark.

Palila (Loxioides bailleui). Photo: Koa Matsuoka.
The Curious Case of the Lānaʻi Hookbill
The Lānaʻi hookbill (Dysmorodrepanis munroi) is known from just a single specimen, collected by ornithologist George C. Munro in Kaiholena Valley on February 22, 1913. There were sightings of this species in 1916 and 1918, but it has not been seen since. Munro believed the collected individual was a female ʻōʻū (Psittirostra psittacea), but his colleague, Robert C. L. Perkins described it as a new species. Other ornithologists sided with Munro, but in 1989, a study led by Helen James examined the specimen’s skull and determined that it was indeed a unique species. She speculated that the hookbill may have fed on endemic tree snails, using its strange bill to hold its prey’s shell while the tongue extracted the contents.
Exciting results from DNA analysis have changed our thinking once again about this one-of-a-kind specimen! Preliminary results suggest that this specimen’s mother was an ʻōʻū (Psittirostra psittacea). But it remains a mystery which species was its father. The sequencing results indicate that the specimen’s father was not a known species of honeycreeper. So, perhaps the actual Lānaʻi hookbill is the father, and the specimen is a hybrid.

ʻŌʻū (Psittirostra psittacea). Illustration: John Gerrard Keulemans.

Kiwikiu (Pseudonestor xanthophrys) Photo: Zach Pezzillo.